
Devoted Grandma Newsletters

Now that's wisdom, [FIRST NAME GOES HERE]

Published 6 months ago • 2 min read


And welcome to another Monday. Did you have a good weekend? 🙂

Unfortunately, I didn't have time to get any new articles up for today because I've been busy working on something else. I will share that with you tomorrow!

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy today's email below or you can always go directly to the Devoted Grandma website if you'd like more. Thank you and God bless!


Ask your grandchild: Have you ever laughed so hard that you couldn't stop? Care to share what caused it? I could use a laugh.


Conversations Across Time

Sent in by a reader who witnessed a very wise woman.

At my favorite local coffee shop last week, I witnessed a small yet impactful exchange that left a deep impression on me. A young couple was seated at a table near mine, engaged in a lively discussion about how out-of-touch they felt the older generation was, especially when it came to understanding and accepting modern values and technology.

Their conversation, though private, was loud enough for others around to hear, including an elderly woman sitting alone at the next table. She had a kind face that was etched with lines of experience and wisdom. I noticed her listening to the couple, a gentle smile playing on her lips.

After a few minutes, the elderly woman leaned towards the couple and said in a calm, clear voice, "Excuse me, dears. I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. I must say, it's quite an interesting topic."

The couple looked a bit embarrassed at first, having been overheard, but they politely encouraged her to continue.

The woman shared, "I remember being your age and thinking much the same about my parents and grandparents. It's a cycle, you see. Every generation believes it knows better than the one before. And to some extent, it's true – times change, and with them, societies evolve."

She went on to explain how when she was younger, she and her peers had their own struggles and battles for change, much like the couple's generation. "We may not be as quick with a smartphone or as fluent in the latest social media trends," she said with a chuckle, "but we have a lifetime of experiences, of love and loss, successes and failures. And all of this, believe it or not, can help guide you, even in today's world."

I watched as the couple's initial defensiveness softened. They engaged in a conversation with the woman, asking her questions about her life and experiences. The air around them transformed from one of division to one of shared learning and understanding.

As I left the coffee shop, I couldn't help but think about the wisdom and grace of the elderly woman. In a world that often emphasizes differences, she gently reminded us of the value of intergenerational dialogue and respect. It was a simple conversation, but one that spoke volumes about empathy, respect, and the timeless wisdom that we can all share, regardless of our age.


Taken by Russell Lee in 1939, two children take a bath in a metal tub. I see a photo like this and I don't get sad... I see connection and real, authentic living!


(1789) Benjamin Franklin wrote the infamous line "Nothing is . . . certain but death & taxes"

Hmm, seems still kinda true today lol


How long is one minute?

It depends what side of the bathroom door you're on. 😂

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